Tuesday, June 9, 2020

6/11 Sweet Little Pride & Solidarity Show (Virtual Show #3)

Tune in here for the premier of our annual Pride show this Thursday, June 11 at 8pm!

With Rhode Island Pride being cancelled due to COVID-19, the movement to end racial violence catching speed (https://www.risolidarityfund.org), and our community of performers being out of work, the cost of your ticket will benefit all three of these communities! After all, we're a variety show able to embrace the complexities of overlapping experiences, and we know that a little joy goes a long way.

If you've ever been curious to attend this anti-racist, queer friendly, feminist, and body-positive cabaret, but night time makes you sleepy, or the unknown makes you frightened, this is your chance to see what all of the fuss is about from the comfort of the perch of your choosing. You can:

1. Experience this special premiere along with other Sweet Little fans through the magic of YouTube, OR...
2. Attend the premiere at Askew Prov! (RI's Phase 2 guidelines are being followed. See https://www.askewprov.com/ for details.)
Either way, tune in on 6/11 at 8pm and invite anyone who'll enjoy local, live, original entertainment with a conscience.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: The ticket price/suggested donation is $10 per viewer. ($0 if COVID made you broke. More if you can.)
Contribute through PayPal or Venmo at one of these two links:



STARRING, in no particular order:
- Musician Lara Herscovitch
- Aba Armoo-Daniels
- Sasha of Beledi Dance Company
- Vatic Kuumba
- Comic Rich Hite
- Kristen Minsky
- Assa Sination
- Christopher Johnson
- Sarah Rich
- and Host Eva Destruction (aka Eve Condon)

Again, to JOIN THIS PARTY, be sure to:
1) Make your donation via Paypal or Venmo above. (You can do this now, before you view, or at any time.)
2) Check-in here day of show for the YouTube link, or attend at Askew!

After clicking the link on Thursday, you will see a countdown to the start of the premiere, as you join others to watch the third Sweet Little Virtual Show. If you'd like, choose a viewing setting that allows you to post and view live comments. Otherwise, set it to full screen and sit back and enjoy.

(If you can't join the live broadcast, the show will remain available on YouTube, so you can still watch and donate .)

Please spread the word! THANK YOU!♥

Since January 2010, the Sweet Little Variety Show has supported local musicians, poets, magicians, comedians, dancers, actors, filmmakers, and many more, as a monthly feminist, anti-racist, queer-positive, and body-positive cabaret. Email us at sweetlittleemail@gmail.com.

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